Laura 29th September 2010

Hi my princess, Sorry haven't wrote to you but as you can imagine aunty laura has been busy in her new home. Your cousin scott has started pre-school in his new area. Got his uniform the other day and he looked smart. He's settling in fine which im glad about. I hope you liked your lanterns that we let off for your birthday princess. At least your mummy's didn't go wrong like mine. Her's went up to you perfectly. Did you laugh when mine burnt your mummy's hair :). I bet it was you that blown it towards her ha. I hope you liked all your flowers that you got and i hope you liked the angel that we brought you. It's nice to see mummy happy isn't it babe. At least she's found someone who loves her and looks after her better isnt it? I hope your happy for your mummy but because shes happy Nevaeh doesnt mean she still aint hurting because no matter what we do or say we are all still hurting inside Nevaeh. Our hearts and lives will never be the same untill we've got you back again. Your mummy puts on a brave face just like me but really all we want to do is scream out and cry. Even though it's been nearly a year on october 27th it still feels like yesturday god took you from us. I Still and wont get over loseing you princess. Anyway enough of me writing but just wanted you to no that i havent forgotton about you as everything im doing your in my mind all the time. I hope your being good with the other angels and i guess your walking now you've turned one so i bet your keeping the other angels on their toes ha. Love you with all my heart and more than you will ever no Nevaeh. Lots of love, hugs and kisses Aunty Laura, Uncle stu and baby cousins Scott & Jessica xxxx